
Laatst edited On 12-11-2023

Het Duivelsei has a ton of diverse committees which are responsible for organising a large array of activities within the association, from Asia Parties to Humans versus Zombies. What follows is a list of all committees that are currently active, with a short description for each. For more information, or if you have an idea for a cool new activity not yet covered below, feel free to send a mail to bestuur@duivelsei or one of the e-mail addresses below.

Warning! In order to prevent spam, we have not fully displayed the e-mail addresses on this website. The suffix .nl is required for each of the e-mail address below.


The Accie is perhaps the most diverse committee of Het Duivelsei. We organize all kinds of activities which are not necessarily boardgame-related, but still really fun! For example, we organize visits to the Efteling, holiday activities like Sinterklaas and Halloween, but also more seemingly random activities like glow golf, bouldering and iron beads workshops. The Accie is always looking for enthousiastic people and crazy ideas, so if you have an awesome activity in mind, let us know!


The Almanakcie is a committee that puts out an annual overview of the association in the form of an almanac. We create a chumbook of members, an annual report full of cool pictures, statistics, fun pages and much more! In addition, each yearbook has a theme, such as “Space” or “Sorcery”. The almanac comes out in mid-June and can be pre-ordered in advance! Fun quotes are also always welcome and can be sent to our email address.


The Alumncie is an activities committee that focuses on events for and by a mix of alumni and current members. Our goal is to strengthen the bond between alumni and the association. Therefore, we will certainly organize activities where alumni and members can mingle, allowing members to experience the benefits of being part of the alumni network.


The Apocalypcie is the organizer of Humans versus Zombies, the fantastic game of zombie tag that takes place in various easy to find locations in Leiden. Nerf guns and socks galore! The committee provides the signature green and red bandanas and organizes different types of missions throughout the city during a week dedicated entirely to this activity. This year, an edition will be held in the second half of the academic year, so there’s still plenty of time to work on your Nerf skills or simply prepare mentally for the impending zombie apocalypse that will take over Leiden. (The committee is not liable for any real zombie bites before, during, or after the event.)


The Barco is the committee that handles everything related to the bar. For example, we ensure that there’s enough stock of snacks and drinks so that you can order whatever you want on every game night. Additionally, the Barco is responsible for training and guiding an enthusiastic group of bartenders, also known as the Pepcie. If you’d like to occasionally work behind the bar or are interested in joining the Barco, send us an email!


The ConvenCie is the committee that handles everything related to het Duivelsei’s presence at external events. For example, we make sure we are well-prepared and have plenty of games to explain and play together at conventions. Additionally, the ConvenCie is responsible for organizing our participation in events like AnimeCon. If you’d like to help represent het Duivelsei at conventions, or if you’re interested in joining the ConvenCie, send us an email!


The Creatcie is a fusion of two older committees, and as a result has two important functions. Firstly, we work at the house style of Het Duivelsei, including the website, flyers, mails and many other things. Secondly, we create posters for activities as well as other jobs other committees have for us. So, if you have a good idea, please let us now!


Every year, Leiden University organises the EL CID for to-be first year students. Het Duivelsei is not passing on this chance to recruit new members! Duivelsei’s own EL CIDcie is responsible for an all-week packed program at our clubhouse, making the LEF awesome and spreading the word and whereabouts of Het Duivelsei to every single person participating in the EL CID. The committee cannot do this all by herself, and is assisted by a promotion team of dedicated members.


Het Duivelsei has a lot of talented members besides game fanatics. The Exposietcie gives every member a chance to show their talent at the Open Podium. Do you want to show the members how good you are at singing, dancing, playing an instrument, cabaret, improvising, or something totally different, send us an e-mail. It is also possible to just watch the performances. The Open Podium takes place in the second half of this college year, so keep an eye on the Duivelsei Calendar for more information.


The Feescie organizes the Christmas Gala and the end-of-year party each year. For every party, we come up with a special theme so we can transform the venue into a unique setting. The committee is ideal for first-year students to get acquainted with committee work. Besides a few meetings, most of our preparation involves crafting fun decorations together.


We’re the photography committee of Het Duivelsei! If you have any photos you want to see on our website, please mail them to us. You can also ask us to come to an activity at Duivelsei and makes photos for you!


Smash! Mario Kart! Jackbox! Just Dance! Splatoon! And many more. As the name implies, the Gamecie occupies itself with games on consoles. We organize tournaments, special theme evenings and entire events at Duivelsei dedicated to these games. These can be the most hardcore single player games in (recent) history, or the funniest party-themed ones to have a nice drink to and chill with your fellow players. Imagine, on the couch, exerting loud vocal threats to your (former) companion who now threatens to steal one of your stars in Mario Party. What a mood.


The Instacie is the committee that ensures het Duivelsei is visible on Instagram. We make the posts you come across on your Instagram feed and have the freedom to make het Duivelsei stand out on social media. From creative posts to original stories, as a member of the Instacie, you can let your creativity run wild! If you’d like to learn how to make the most eyecatching posts, reels and stories: send us an email!


The Monopolycie organizes the Monopoly Race: A game played every year on Good Friday, where you travel across the country by train to take pictures of certain streets. Every year we come up with new streets and crazy chance cards to do during this game. Keep an eye on the weekly email for the sign-up sheet. If you want to help organize this game, you can find us at the CIB!


The Mysterycie is a new committee that organizes 1 to 2 large events each year that are too time-consuming for the regular committees. Think of a thrilling Murder Mystery Party or perhaps even a full week of Who is the Mole. These events require a lot of preparation, but they offer a unique and exciting challenge. If you’d like to help organize large-scale activities full of mystery and suspense, or if you’re interested in joining the Mysterycie, send us an email!


Games are fun, but they are even more fun with cookies, cakes or other baked goods! Since 2012 the Nomcie has been baking all the delicious stuff on game nights. Moreover, the Nomcie organises baking and cooking competitions, potlucks and other food related events. Feel like helping us bake sometime, but don’t want to join the commission? Email us and register as an assistant baker!


You can’t have a proper student association without your own magazine. The Redactie publishes its own magazine, Spelduivel, three times a year, filled to the brim with board and video game news, interviews, pictures and all sorts of other good stuff, in Dutch and English. We are eagerly looking for new writers and lay-outers, or maybe a guest writer if you want a little taste.


The Role Playing game commission organises a monthly activity where members of Duivelsei can participate in the Duivelsei Adventurers league. Through Dungeons & Dragons 5E we play the most fantastic, often self-written, adventures. We also organise an alternative RPG evening twice a year where we introduce and play some lesser known RPGs. The RPGcies coolest activity is the EPIC, a gameday where different parties have to work together to complete an adventure together. Everything your character does doesn’t just affect your companions, but also affects all the other EPIC participants. According to our own humble opinion it is the best activity of the year. All of our activities are suitable for completely new players and hardened veterans, so please don’t hesitate to sign up.


The TCGcie is the place to be for all Magic related business! Magic the Gathering is a very popular card game, played by people all around the world, so of course Het Duivelsei did not stay behind. The TCGcie is responsible for organizing all kinds of fun events, such as drafts and tournaments, at least once a month. There also is an ongoing yearly EDH competition, in which you can accomplish several achievements. The members of the committee are always ready for a game of EDH or any other format, or just for a nice chat about Magic (or another topic, if you like). Are you unfamiliar with the game, or do you have any other questions? Do not hesitate to send us an email or approach us during one of our activities!


The Weekendcie is responsible for organising two gameweekends during the year. The first-year-weekend after the EL CID is to allow our new members to get to know each other and to become familiar with Het Duivelsei, and the second weekend is just a lot of fun! For three days we will go to a remote location to play games, games  and more games. Besides the regular games Het Duivelsei has to offer, there is a pub quiz and a night game during the weekend and many fun activities organised by other committees. Are you interested in this fun committee or do you just have a question? Mail us!


The Wolfcie hosts online games of The Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow on a monthly basis. These games are real-time, this means there will be a lynch and kill-period every day. The sessions vary in game-type and included rolls. Whether you are interested in delicious civilians or the mysterious occurrences in this little village: Miller’s hollow (Wakkerdam) is the place to be. Come and enjoy the treachery, bloodlust and twisted political schemes! Check the weekly- and monthly e-mails to sign in.
Note: Usually, the games are played in Dutch. However we could have a English round if the demand is high.

Advisory bodies


The Formaatcie is composed halfway through the year and helps with the forming of the next board. They hold solliciations and put together a candidate board to present to the general meeting.
Questions? Send an e-mail to formaatcie@duivelsei, or to bestuur@duivelsei if there is no Formaatcie yet.

The Formaatcie is the committee tasked with the forming of the board. Halfway through every year, all members can sign up to become new board members. The Formaatcie will then interview these people and then constitute a candidate board. This candidate board will be presented on the election GMA, where a vote will take place whether this candidate board may become the new board. If the vote passes, the Formaatcie is done and will be disbanded, but otherwise the Formaatcie must again try to constitute a new board.

The Formaatcie will be formed halfway through the year at the aptly called half-year GMA. Anyone may sign up to become Formaatcie, granted that they are voted in.


The Kasco generraly consists of ex-treasures and oversees the work of the current treasurer of the board. They work behind the scenes and make sure the association is financially healthy. The only thing they check for, is whether the treasurer is truthful when saying what happens with money. They do not give any advice on whether or not to make a particular expense, but do keep an eye on whether the association is financially sound. In most cases, the Kasco consists of former treasurers.


The senate is an advisory body, consisting in principal only of former board members. They check what the current board is doing and give advice based on the experience they gained when they were board members themselves. For example, they will read the minutes taken at the weekly board meetings and respond to them. They can also explain how things went in their year and whether that was a positive or negative experience. If the board doesn’t do their job properly, they’ll also notice and be able to warn the board. In the end, they are only an advisory body and can’t take any action themselves, other than to provide advice. Lastly, if you have problems with the board or a specific board member, you can contact the senate for help.



The Construcie is a work group that works on the maintenance and improvements of our building. We do repairs, renovation and we make sure the association’s inventory remains in good shape for this. We work to insure that everything on location is working as well as possible, in order for everyone to be able to effortlessly enjoy activities.


The ICTcie is a workgroup of Het Duivelsei, responsible for anything related to ICT. For example the hosting of our website, or managing the emails ending in @duivlsei (punt) nl, such as the committee mails or the mails for board members. Additionally, we are also the first helpline for the board if they have any questions regarding ICT. For this, we require people with diverse computer skills. If you have expertise in this field that can help the association, feel free to send an email.


The Locaatcie is the committee responsible for finding a temporary location during the upcoming renovation of the Pelikaanhof. We aim to continue searching for the best temporary spots even after this year. As a member of the Locaatcie, you’ll visit different potential locations to assess if they’re suitable. If you’d like to help find a temporary home base, or if you’re interested in joining the Locaatcie, send an email to the board!